iSad – Steve Jobs – Apple Founder dies … RIP

RIP Steve Jobs dies 6th October 2011 - Apple FounderSteve Jobs – RIP – the world lost an amazing innovator, visionary and creative mind.

I remember being introduced to a PC in 1977/8 – an Apple II – through my cousin, connecting to the “web” through beeping modem – a black/green screen.

Memories of 1981/82 toying around with a Sinclair ZX80, ZX81 and writing my first computer programs …. Seeing the first “Mac” in the early/mid 80s in a library with an amazing graphical interface ….”iSad”


Got my first Home Computer in 1982 a Sinclair ZX-Spectrum, writing graphic programs, a very simple Pac Man like game …. all this sparked my interest in electronics, computers, techy stuff … leading to me doing an apprentice ship as a telecoms electrician with then “Deutsche Bundes Post” now German Telekom, studying Telecoms – Electronics 1992 – 1997, working in as Hard and Software Design engineer 1997 – 2002 and then changing my career (following another passion of mine) in 2002 to work in the fitness & health industry doing this for nearly 10 years now.

And – today I’m sitting again in front of a PC (not an Apple or Max L so), create WordPress websites for my own business – so I ended up combining my interest in fitness, sport exercise, psychology, computer and technology and I love it.

Having a passion for what you do – having a vision – a BIG why (I’m doing x – y – C) is ….. guess one of the most important things … can’t imagine going back to a 9-5 job. …..

Sorry drifted off her a bit, but I would say computers and being exposed to them at a tender age of 8 / 9 had a bit influence to what I do and who I’m today.

Definitely also due to Steve Jobs – Apple’s work and his love for beauty, design, functionality and creativity.

RIP Steve Jobs.

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Intensity of exercise more beneficial than duration according to European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation

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Book Review – “The Complete Book of Pilates for Men” by Daniel Lyon Jr.

The Complete Book of Pilates for Men by Daniel Lyon Jr. “The Lifetime Plan for Strength, Power and Peak Performance. [amazon-product bordercolor=”FFFFF” align=”center”]0060820772[/amazon-product]

Daniel Lyon covers a vast amount of exercises in his Men’s Only Pilates book.

The book is split into 4 parts, 17 sub chapters, 340 pages.

Part 1 – covers the basic, history, your Pilates Universe
Part 2 – describes “traditional Pilates Mat Work” and is split to Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Pilates Exercises
Part 3 – explains “Reformer on the Mat Curriculum”,  Exercises are again split into Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Moves.
Part 4 – Routines for various injuries:

1. Workout Guidelines for an injured or weak neck and shoulders
2. Workout Guidelines for an injured or weak back
3. Workout Guidelines for injured or weak knees

Each exercises is spilt into three parts:
    1. Body Position
    2. The Mind in Motion (he describes different small variations here)
    3. Cautions (recommendations depending on tight or stiff muscles or injuries)

I like the structure of the book and the massive amount of exercises listed. The exercises are described well, sometimes I would have liked to see more pictures of the variations – this might well be because I’m a rather visual learner.

I see one possibly danger – some men might push them to hard to early without the supervision of a qualified instructor. I’m teaching Pilate since early 2003 and have seen lot of people going and going and men a generally (not all) more competitive and act according to the motto “no pain – no gain”.

I would prefer to say “no brain, no gain”.Pilates is all about “Quality over Quantity” – aim to do the exercises to the best of your ability, but don’t push through pain.

Yes, challenge yourself, but don’t go as far so that you feel pain – you went too far if it are in agony.Aim for an 6-8 on a scale of 1 – 10 (1 – meaning you don’t feel anything, 5 – you see/feel the muscles, body part working and could do a good few repetition with good quality, 10 – you lose you form/alignment and might feel extreme discomfort or even pain).

Daniel re-emphasise good quality and proper technique over and over again, with which I agree completely. Here three paragraphs from his “Notes to the reader” which expresses this: “Many of the exercises throughout the book will instruct you to squeeze or flex your buttocks. If doing so causes tightness or pain in you lower back, then disregard this guideline. Don’t force yourself to follow any instructions that do not suit your body specifically.

In Pilates we don’t believe in that pain does your body any good. The German / Austrian expression. “von nichts kommt nichts.”, which translates to “no pain no gain,” never applies to Pilates.

The “Routines for various injuries” part is excellent and re-focuses on making appropriate adjustments, depending on the injury e.g. neck/shoulders, a weak back or weak knees.

It’s a book for you if you have the discipline to stick to the exercise that are for you, depending on existing core strength, injuries, back issues and previous Pilates experience.

It might therefore suit individuals who have done some Pilates before and want to learn more Pilates exercises, more about Pilates itself, different variations of Pilates moves – with the re-assurance that they do the moves in a appropriate and correct way.

To read a few sample pages of the book – follow the link above and keep clicking on the picture of the book, Amazon seems to offer a preview for most book. You might find this book also in the Google Library.

Your in Fitness & Health

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Core & Strength Gym, Medicine Ball Training for Golf, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey etc.

Strength Ball Training - Lorene Golden Berg - Peter Twist - Medicine Ball - Stability Exercises Samples

Here a book I often refer to when I look for Core Strength and general strength exercises that I want to introduce into Conditioning and Circuit Training Classes to keep classes interesting and varied.

The authors Lorne Goldenberg and Peter Twist (both strength and conditioning experts in the US) have published articles in Men’s Journal, Ironman, NSCA Journal of Strength and Conditioning etc. and show you a broad mix of Swiss – Gym Ball and Medicine Ball exercises to increase general strength, core stability and flexibility.

The book is split into 9 chapters and covers major muscles groups / body parts, e.g. 1. Strength Ball Advantages 2. Shoulder & Upper Back, 3. Biceps Triceps Forearms, 4. Chest 5. Core 6. Abs & Lower Back 7. Legs & Hips plus chapter 8. Flexibility and 9. Functional Programs.

The Functional Exercise Program chapter covers: e.g. Football, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Gold etc.

Follow the link at the end of the article and keep clicking on the picture of the book to read a few sample pages.

These programs are spilt in two day routines advising on sets, reps etc.

This book gives the fitness enthusiast or fitness instructor, personal trainer plenty of ideas, which can be used during classes or your own workout.

There are plenty of pictures – which makes it easy to follow the instructions.

It’s often the simple exercises that are the hardest e.g. try a “Ball Push Up” or a “Ball Walk Around”.

“Ball Push Up”

Kneel in front of the ball, lie on it with your abdomen/upper body, gradually roll onto the ball and walk with your hands out in front of the ball. So your legs and feet rest on the ball behind your upper body (you are facing your exercise mat – prone position) – keep your feet roughly hip distance apart, bring your hands into a push up position – your whole body should ideally be parallel to the floor and now try to do a few push-ups without over arching your lower/ lumbar spine – keeping you core strong.

“Ball Walk Around”

Start with the same position as above. Now walk with your hands in a circular movement around the ball, a great shoulder, chest and core workout.

A book I definitely would recommend if you have a Gym or Swiss Ball at home and are looking for ideas how to use it, because most people get easily bored with the usual Ball Wall Squats that most trainers show them initially.

[amazon-product bordercolor=”FFFFF” align=”center”]0736066977[/amazon-product]

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Paleo Diet (Caveman Diet) vs. Slow Carb Diet “Tim Ferris – The 4 Hour Body” my experience over the last 4-5 months.

Paleo Diet ? I didn’t know that I’m kind of following this diet for the last few months – listen to Shawna explaining what the Paleo Diet is from her point of view.

Very similar to what Time Ferris in “The 4 Hour Body” book recommends.

Do you have any experiences with the “Paleo Diet” or the “Slow Carb Diet”? If so let me know – good or bad – either way.

I bought Tim’s his book about four months back and follow what he calls the “Slow Carb” diet since then (without his Off-Day).

The “Slow Carb” diet focuses on lots and lots of different kind of veg and various sources of protein, mainly eggs, poultry, fish and red meat if you want. It excludes fruit nearly completely, which was a big change for me having munched away lot of bananas, apples, kiwis etc. in the past.

The Slow Carb diet includes also an “Off Day” where you can eat like a pig, literally anything you like and as much as you like – sweets, take-aways, cakes, fries, etc. 🙂 🙂

It definitely worked for me. I didn’t measure my body fat but, you can recognize physical changed.

I changed the timing of my food intake only slightly, following Tim’s MED (Minimum Effort Dose – principle) e.g. 20-30g of protein within 30min of waking up, plus a big scoop of almond butter and some fax seed oil before going to bed.
The almond butter and fax seed oil stopped me from waking up in the mornings and feeling I’m absolutely ravenous, I was starving – that’s gone.

A capsule of 250mg of (magnesium, calcium) before going to bed helped me also to deepen my self and feel more rested after waking up, I slept rather deep anyway but I recognize further improvements.

My weekly exercise regime didn’t change at all – 2-3 Kettlebell – Body Weight Exercise Sessions (of 45-60mins), teaching 2 Bootcamp classes (where I folks definitely  work more than me), 2 Men Only Core Strength / Pilates classes plus 5-6 general Pilates (Beginners to Advanced) classes per week – I do probably 70-80% of the exercises myself when teaching the Pilates / Core Strength Classes.

You can definitely see physical adjustments, in terms of body fat loss around the abs, core, mid section and a bit more definition around the chest, arms and biceps.

I also increased the intensity of my Kettlebell – Body Weight Exercise as much as I could, focussing mainly on compound – multi joint exercises.

All this is a rather simple – smallish changed that don’t require much time, it’s all developing the discipline, commitment, getting into routines and habit.

Focus on the small changes that create most improvements. I strongly believe that everybody has to try different things and see if it works for him/her, as we are all different and react to different exercise programmes and diet regimes in different ways.

I can only recommend to give the Slow Carb Diet a go – if it doesn’t work, go back to your previous way of eating –if it works Happy Days.

There are a good few other interesting chapters in Tim Ferris’s book in terms of sleep quality improvement, strength gain, injury treatment / prevention, body fat loss, body composition changes etc etc. It’s definitely worth getting the book, even if you find only 4-5 things that work for you.


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Morning Pilates – Fitness Classes still a few places available.

Mid Pilates Classes in Soth Dublin close to Dundrum Rathfarnham Nutgrove Leopardstown Rathmines Terenure SandyfordMorning Pilates – Fitness Classes – starting during the week of Monday 12th September – still a few places available.

We run several morning Pilates classes 9.45am-10.45am in our Fitnecise Studio in Dublin 14, 16 (Nutgrove Office Park – Unit F1) just of Nutgrove Avenue, between Rathfarnham and Dundrum, close to Churchtown, Rathmines, Leopardstown and Sandyford.

Pilates (Yoga) Mats are provided (no hidden charge for mats – some other studios charge for mat rental), parking is free and there is a maximum of 8-10 participants per class.

The following Morning Classes and Class levels are available:

  1. Monday – Morning Pilates 9.45am-10.45am – Beginners
  2. Tuesday – Morning Pilates 9.45am-10.45am – Mixed Level
  3. Wednesday – Morning Pilates 9.45am-10.45am – Mixed / Intermediate Level
  4. Thursday – Morning Pilates 9.45am-10.45am – Intermediate (Advanced) Level
  5. Friday – Morning Circuit and Conditioning Class 9.45am-10.45am Mixed Level
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Inspirational Videos



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September Pilates Classes in South Dublin

Pilates Classes in Soth Dublin close to Dundrum Rathfarnham Nutgrove Leopardstown Rathmines Terenure SandyfordOur September Pilates classes start during the week of Monday the 5th September 2011.

We run also a Men Only Core Strength and Pilates Combo Class, maybe even two – depending on demand.

September Pilates Classes in our Fitnecise Studio in Dublin 14, 16 Nutgrove Office Park take place:

  1. Monday – Evening 8.30pm – Men Only Core Strength – Pilates Class
                       Beginners Level (Depending on demand).
  2. Tuesday – Morning 9.45am – Intermediate Level
    Tuesday – Evening  6.10pm –
    Tuesday – Evening 7.20pm – Beginners Level
    Tuesday – Evening 8.30pm – Intermediate – Advanced Level
  3. Wednesday – Morning 9.45am – Mixed to Intermedaite Level
  4. Thursday – Morning 9.45am – Intermediate Level
    Thursday – Evening 6.10pm – Beginners Level
    Thursday – Evening 7.20pm – Mixed Level
    Thursday – Evening 8.30pm – Men Only Core Strength / Pilates Class
                         Mixed – Intermediate Level
  5. There might be a Saturday Lunchtime Class (to be confirmed)
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Be Pro-Active – Goal Setting – Achieving …. related quote …

Weight Loss Tips from you Fitness Trainer in South Dublin Ireland close to Dundrum Rathfarnham Sandyford Leopardstown Terenure Park“Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.”
Will Rogers

As usual it’s all about taking action. You might have made up your mind about something – even written it down (what is supposingly one of the best tips re achieving your ambitions or goals – DON’T ONLY THINK IT INK IT ) e.g. “I will go to the gym 2-3x per week”, “I’m going to lose a few pounds.”, “I stop smoking” etc., but until you take decisive action nothing is going to happen.

This reminds me of a seminar I went to around two months back here in Dublin’s city centre. The presenter said something along the lines “… and here I have two free DVDs with the content of this seminar – who wants ….? ” first nothing happened – he waved the DVD in the air … then somebody got it … he stood up and walked up to the presenter and took the DVD it was his free DVD now.
He had to take action to get it.

As Nike says or said in the advertisement ….. “Just Do It!”

  1. Set Your Goal
  2. Create Ideas – Brain Storm – Mind Map – Let your mind go free
    Go for quantity 1st
  3. Assess – Evaluate
    Go for quality 2nd
  4. Prioritize
  5. Plan
  6. Take Action
    Regularly – at set times (planning)
  7. Re-Assess Progress regularly at set times
    -> You might change you Type of Action or Priorities here
  8. Achieve you Goal 🙂

Be an Action Women/Man !

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Pilates Classes Re-start this week after a week off


We restart our South Dublin based Pilates classes Dublin 14, 16, close to Dublin 18 tonight after my week off 🙂 .
Classes take place:
Tuesday 6.10pm, 7.20pm, 8.30pm
Wednesday 9.45am
7.20pm, 8.30pm

Drop-Ins are possible if you have done Pilates before.

We use small fitness equipment in some of the classes e.g. Pilates or Fit Circles, Medicine Balls, Foam Rollers, Gym Sticks, Dynabands Resistance Tubes to challenge you that tiny bit more – so you can see and feel you progress.

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