Unlimited Morning Fitness Classes Offer – Deal in South Dublin – still available :-)

Our Fitnecise – Morning Fitness Classes Deal – Offer
is still available.

This includes Legs, Bums, Tums – Circuit Training Classes and Pilates Classes, Monday to Friday 9.45am-10.45am. We are also in negotiations with a new instructor who might introduce aerobics classes and different other fitness and exercises class to keep the class mix as varied as possible and help you to get fitter, stronger and leaner.

Fees are:

  1. €40 for your first Trial 4 weeks – month
  2. €50 if you book 12 weeks – 3 months
  3. €55 if you book 8 weeks – 2 months
  4. €60 if you book 4 weeks -1 month

Contact Martin for further information.

Morning Fitness Classes in South Dublin with Fitnecise Martin Luschin Ireland Nutgrove, Churchtown, Rathfarnham

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HIIT Training – High Intensity Interval Training – Morning Class 7am starts 15th, 17th May 2012

Call Kevin at 087-2728410 (Class Instructor) or
Martin (Studio Manager) 086-1736720 for further information.

HIIT High Intensity Interval Training in South Dublin Fitnecise Studio Rathfarnham Chruchtown Dundrum Nutgrove Office Park

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Men Only Pilates, Core Strength Level 1 Wed 9th March in South Dublin

Join my next Men Only – Core Strength – Pilates – Flexibility Combination class next Wednesday 9th March 2012 8.30pm-9.30pm in our Fitnecise Studio in South Dublin.

I combine Pilates exercises and general Core Strength Exercises in this 1 hour class e.g.

  1. Plank – 5-6 variations e.g. moving options, side kicks, roll over toes etc.
  2. Pilates Scissors
  3. Stretching – Strength Combinations
    • Leg Kick prep and Hamstring Stretch
    • Pilates Scissors and Ankle Reach
  4. Foam Rolling – CalfPilates for Men Onlhy Core Strength Flexibility Combination Classes in South Dublin Ireland with Martin, Hamstrings, Glutes, IT Band
  5. Pilates Spine Stretch
    and Spine Twist
  6. Improve Flexibility through extensive stretching
    in between the core strength, mobility exercises and
    at the end of the class.
  7. I introduce use small equipment e.g. a Gym/Swiss Ball, Pilates Rings, Medicine Balls,  Gymsticks, to boost your core strength, mobility and flexibility.


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Stages of Learning – NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming applied for Fitness – Pialtes Exercises

Are you interested in the process of learning and how the Four Stages of Learning can be applied in the Fitness – Pilates area? Here a link to a short blog post I wrote on my personal website www.martinluschin.com.
Stages of Leaning NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming Martin Luschin Persoal Trainer in South Dublin

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5 Stretching Flexibility Tips – Quote by Michael Gelb re Competence – Development

My colleague Irfan and myself took a few pictures of ourselves demoing a few stretches, you will see some of those pictures later on on our partner website www.bootcampsouthdublin.ie and on this website.

I used two of the pictures for a related quote. It is about  – physical, mental – stretching and general development. The quote is from Michael Gelb who wrote various books about “thinking“, “creativity“, “the Alexander Technique“, “mind mapping“.  I read “How to think like Leonardo Da Vinci” years back. Da Vinci focused to be big degree on developing his senses and never ever stopped learning, exploring, discovering – he was a vegetarian, had phenomenal strength (bent a horse shoe with his bare hand), played various music instruments, wrote music, juggled, developed a power-shoot centuries before a plane was developed, talked about heart disease when the word heart disease didn’t really exist etc. etc. and everybody knows his paintings. The book is worth reading. Sorry I went off in a tangent here, here the link to the book.   [amazon-product alink=”#ffffff” bgcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” region=”uk”]0007169655[/amazon-product]

5 Stretching – Flexibility Tips:5 Stretching Flexibility Tip Fitnecise Martin Luschin Personal Trainer South Dublin Ireland

  1. DON’T do any static stretches before you start exercising.
    It seems to be proven over and over again that pre-stretching doesn’t have any real benefits, pre-stretching is old school, I did it for decades.
  2. Aim to hold your stretches for at least 25-30sec
    to increase your flexibility. Holding stretches for less than 20sec is classified as maintenance stretching, 30+ seconds is so called developmental stretching.
  3. Stretch ideally after each workout for at least 10mins
    Make a point of stretching for a minimum of 10 minutes after working out.
    This will help you to prevent injuries, you will recover quicker and
    your just feel better.
  4. Focus on the big / major muscles groups
    that you used during your workout, e.g. after a run or jog – stretch the quads (the front of your upper legs), your hamstrings, inner legs, your calves, hip flexers, your mid and lower back and your shoulders. If you did a lot of upper body weights, resistance training – focus on stretching you chest, pecs, upper back, lats, shoulders, triceps, biceps and the neck area.
  5. Stretch in between during the day e.g. in the office, at work
    -> you boss will thank you for doing it!
    Aim to get into the habit of getting up, standing up at least once every hour, move away from your desk, away from your desk top computer or laptop, stretch the legs, arms, shoulder and neck area out, shake loose, wondering around. It will do you and your employer good, as you will be more relaxed and productive. It is like a mini break from work. Studies regarding learning, work effectiveness show over and over again that regular breaks increase you mental performance and ability to focus.

Yours in Fitness and Health

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Pilates Instructor and Fitness Instructor – part time – in South Dublin needed to start in mid/late May 2012

I’m looking for an instructor who is qualified as Pilates and Fitness Instructor who will teach Pilates classes in our Fitnecise Studio in Dublin 14/16 and can cover a few hours in a corporate gym in Leopardstown, Sandyford.
Ulster Bank Gym Fitness Instructor needed in South Dublin Ireland - Leopardstown Sandyford.

The vacancy will be available from mid/late May 2012.
Find full job descriptions and more details here.


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Pilates Classes in South Dublin 14, 16 re-START today and tomorrow

A quick reminder that our “Fitnecise Evening Pilates” Classes are commencing today Pilates Yoga Studio in Nutgrove South Dublin close to Rathfarnham Marlay Park Dundrum and tomorrow. The Men Only Core Strength, Pilates – Flexibility Classes re start next week and the following week.
Our Fitnecise classes are a full hour in length (we have a 15min gap in between classes to change over, not like some other studios where you really only get a 50min or 55min class as you have to wait until the participants of the previous class are gone).

Today’s – Tuesdays evening classes include:

  1. Pilates – Tuesday 6pm-7pm Intermediate – Advanced Level
  2. Pilates – Tuesday 7.15pm-8.15pm Beginners Level
  3. Pilates – Tuesday 8.30pm-9.30pm Intermediate – Advanced Level

The Wednesday Classes Include:

  1. Pilates – 5.30pm-6.30pm Beginners to Intermediate Level
  2. Pilates – 7.15pm-8.20pm Intermediate to Advanced Level
  3. Men Only Core Strength, Pilates, Flex Combo Level 1
    (the Men Only class starts 9th May 2012)
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My Top 5 Time Management, Self Management Tips – First Things First – Stephen Covey Quote

Most people are under tremendous time pressure nowadays or better said let themselves put under pressure. There are 1000 and one things to do, day in day out. Don’t you know that from yourself?

We seem to have this endless lTime and Self Management Stephen Covey, Tim Ferris - Quote - Personal Trainer Martin Luschin Fitness Classes in South Dublinist things to do. Some people keep a “To Do List”, I have a
“Can Do List” …. Shopping, exercising, going to work, commuting, bringing the kids to school, sorting out the car insurance, meeting friends, get that birth day present for mum, going to the bank, keeping the house or apartment in order and so on …. and where is time for yourself, for our  partner, family etc.

Re time management – a friend of mine says it should better be called “Self Management”. I agree with him, as we can only manage our-self, we can try to influence or convince others to do or don’t do things, but we are ultimately only able to manage our-self.

Here my 5 Top Tips – regarding Time – Self Management:

  1. “Ink It – Don’t Only Think It”
    Writing down what you can, should, would like to, have to, might …. do. You won’t have to worry about forgetting it, just get a simple mini notebook that you carry always with you. It really frees the mind and the pressure of having to think of it and allows you to schedule jobs, tasks for later on in the week, month or year.

  2. “Keep a NOT To Do List”
    e.g. watching excessive  TV, browsing the internet hours on end, starting a job without a clear – defined outcome ….., it really helps you to focus on the important and relevant things in life.

  3. “Get into routines – Schedule regular times for certain tasks.” e.g. Friday morning 9am-12am accounts, working out, exercise Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6pm-7pm, reply to e-mails first thing in the morning 8am-9am, spend Thursday evening from 6pm onwards with your partner and don’t let work get in the way.

  4. “Define your Values”
    What do you value? What are the most valuable things for you?  Aim to write down 10-15 items on a piece of paper and then prioritize them, e.g.
    1. Health
    2. Family
    3. Friends
    4. Security
    5. Creativity
    6. Relaxation – Chill Out Time
    7. Learning – Education
    8. Energy physical and mental
    9. Time for yourself
    10. ….
    The next step is to schedule time on your Values. E.g. meet with siblings Friday evening, get a relaxing massage once a month, switch off my work phone on Saturday and Sunday, visit a arts exhibition next Sunday with friends ….

  5. “Keep a 15min Block Activity Diary for one week”
    I did a business development course two years back and during one modules we got the task to write down for a whole week what we do in 15min blocks. 

    Initially I thought it is wast of time – it wasn’t. Try it out yourself.

    You will most likely realize that spend a much more time on things that you thought take only five minutes.
    You could even go ahead and mark times in red that you spend on your “Values” (see above) and mark time in blue that is just wasted with unimportant activities. Do you see more red or blue?
    Ask yourself after doing this:
    1. What did I learn from doing this?
    2. How do I actually spend my time?
    3. How much time did I spend on my Values?
    4. Where did time just frizzle away?
    5. What can I change today to spend more time on my Values?

I recommend the below mentioned CDs and books in relation to time and self management.

  1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
  2. The 4-Hour Work Week (Tim Ferris)
  3. First Things First (Stephen Covey)

Focus on Prioritizing and “Keeping the First Things the First Things.”
and let me know via e-mail or on facebook book how you got on with keeping your one week 15min block diary or what you think about the mentioned books.

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Chocolate … yum yum :-) …. the dark type … high coco content …. Natasha’s Living Food

After talking about “reasonable healthy chocolate” during our boot camp classes this morning and on our facebook page I just have to post this.

High Coco ingredient chocolate cake from Natasha’s Living Food from my local health food store.Sometime you just must have a treat … here a kind of healthy version, dark chocolate cake from Natasha’s Living Food www.natashaslivingfood.ie.

Lots of coco – yes, I know there is a good bit of sugar in it as well, but so what – I’m going to burn it off later in during my body weight – Kettlebell – TRX, tabata style training session (high intensity – short bursts of exercise).

I got this one from my local health food store in Dundrum Shopping Centre you might also get it on one of the farmers markets in south Dublin.


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Men Only Pilates – Core Strength Combo Class re-starts tonight in South Dublin Fitnecise Studio

Men Only Pilates Core Strength Combo Class in South Dublin with Martin Luschin - Rathfarnham, close to Dundrum, Leopardstown Sandyford, Templogue, Terenure, ChurchtownJust a quick note for those guys who want to
_1. increase their Core Strength
_2. improve Flexibility
_3. work on posture
_4. stretch the whole upper neck, shoulder area out with a combination of traditional Pilates and Core Strength exercises.

Classes take place Monday (Level 2) and Wednesday (Level 1)
evening 8.30pm to 9.30pm.

Some of the current guys joined because they just want to improve either core strength and/or flexibility. Others joined because they want to
_1. tackle back issues
_2. prevent injuries
_3. work on their posture
_4. are in need of regular, guided stretching
_5. learn more about how to do the exercises in the most beneficial way.

The Monday Level 2 Class restarts tonight 21st May 2012, there are also a few places available for our Wednesday Level 1 – Beginners Class.

Give me call on 086-1936720 if you have any further question or send an e-mail.


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