Join my next Men Only – Core Strength – Pilates – Flexibility Combination class next Wednesday 9th March 2012 8.30pm-9.30pm in our Fitnecise Studio in South Dublin.
I combine Pilates exercises and general Core Strength Exercises in this 1 hour class e.g.
- Plank – 5-6 variations e.g. moving options, side kicks, roll over toes etc.
- Pilates Scissors
- Stretching – Strength Combinations
- Leg Kick prep and Hamstring Stretch
- Pilates Scissors and Ankle Reach
- Foam Rolling – Calf
, Hamstrings, Glutes, IT Band
_ - Pilates Spine Stretch
and Spine Twist
_ - Improve Flexibility through extensive stretching
in between the core strength, mobility exercises and
at the end of the class.
_ - I introduce use small equipment e.g. a Gym/Swiss Ball, Pilates Rings, Medicine Balls, Gymsticks, to boost your core strength, mobility and flexibility.