Yoga Classes in South Dublin – Starts Thursday 12th April 2012

Paula will start her next Hatha Yoga Course this Thursday 12h April 2012.
Yoga Class in South Dublin - Nutgrove Rathfarnham Chruchtown close to Dundrum, Templeogue Ballinteer Leopardstown Dublin 14 16

Class time: Thursday 5.30pm – 6.45pm
Location Fitnecise Studio in Nutgrove Office Park,
beside the Nutgrove Shopping Centre, Dublin 14, 16 – in South Dublin,
close to Dundrum, Rathfarnham, Churchtown, Sandyford,
Leopardstown, Templeogue, Marlay Park
Course Fee: 8 weeks €90
Drop-In Fee: €13

The class is suitable for Beginners and Improvers – Level 1.

Yoga and Fitness Classes in South Dublin - Nutgrove Rathfarnham Chruchtown close to Dundrum, Templeogue Ballinteer Leopardstown Dublin 14 16

Find a Full Fitness and Exercise Class Time Table here.

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Reduce blood sugar level, improve insulin function, offset type 2 diabetes with Interval Training, HITT Training, Tabata

5 Five Minutes to Fitness article Interval Training - HIIT Hight Intensity Interval Training - Tabata Training for fitness and HealthSeveral research papers indicate that training shorter but with higher intensity bursts might be the way forward if you want to improve you health and fitness.

Below a copy for an article from the Irish Times at the weekend (it was in one of supplement magazines at the weekend )

“5 Minutes to Fitness – New research suggests you get more fit doing interval training session. So How Little can you get away with.” Peta Bee.

The benefits:

  • Save Time

  • Aid Weight Loss

  • Improve Heath Health and Muscle Strength

  • Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

  • Improve Insulin Function

  • Offset Type 2 Diabetes

You might start of with a watered down version of the HIIT style (High Intensity Interval Training) or Tabata style training if you are just starting to exercises, as the professional recommend HIIT or Tabata mainly to individuals who have a reasonable good level of fitness, as this type of training might increase the risk of injury among untrained people.

Your body super-compensates during adequate recovery and if kept up over weeks and months your fitness will improve enormously.

Our Circuit Training, Interval Training and Bootcamp Classes in South Dublin (Dublin 14, 16, 18) are a slight variations of the above mentioned methods – adjusted for those who aim mainly for toning, weight loss and general fitness.


5 Five Minutes to Fitness article Interval Training - HIIT Hight Intensity Interval Training - Tabata Training for fitness and Health

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Men Only – Core Strength – Pilates – Flexibility Class in South Dublin 12th 14th March

Pilates Foam Roller used during our Men Only Core Strength Pilates Classes in South Dublin Fitnecise Studio - MartinMen Only Core Strength Pilates Flexibility Classes in South Dublin Ireand Classes taught by male instructorWe are restarting our Men Only Pilates, Core Strength and Flexibility Combination class 12th and 14th March 2012

The classes combine:
1. Core Strength Exercises e.g. variations of Planks, Side Bends, Back Extensions etc.
2. Pilates Exercises e.g. Hundred, Scissors, Leg Lifts, Roll Up, Roll Back, The Crab, Shoulder Bridge etc.
3. Flexibility – Stretching
I incorporate various stretches into the class for e.g. hamstrings – lower and mid back, the shoulder, neck area etc.. You learn how to stretch in an effective and efficient way, loosen muscles via a foam roller (see picture above), release tension via the use of e.g. a tennis ball and various other small equipment.

A lot of men lack flexibility and mobility, carry tension in the shoulder, neck and lower back area, which occasionally prevents them from performing daily activity due to pain and discomfort.

Individuals who are involved in sport, especially competitive sport should do a regular core strength, flexibility and mobility routine to prevent injuries or speed up recover.

Men only classes take place Monday 8.30pm and Wednesday 8.30pm in the Fitnecise Studio, Dublin 14, Nutgrove Office Park – Unit F1.

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New – Yoga Class Thursday 5.30pm & Pilates Class Wednesday 6pm & in South Dublin

Yoga Classes in South Dublin Nutgrove Rathfarnham Churchtown close to Dundrum - Dublin 14, 16 Fitnecise - Studio We just added two new exercise classes to our fitness class time table of our Fitnecise Studio in South Dublin – Nutgrove Rathfarnham.

  1. Yoga Class – Thursday Evening – 5.30pm -6.45pm
    The class will be taught by Paula
    Murphy. Yoga and Fitness Classes in South Dublin - Nutgrove Rathfarnham Chruchtown close to Dundrum, Templeogue Ballinteer Leopardstown Dublin 14 16Yoga and Pilates Classes in South Dublin Ireland Fitnecise Studio in Nutgrove Rathfarnham Dublin 14, 16 Chruchtown close to Templogue Sandyford Ballinteer


  2. Pilates Class – Wednesday Evening – 6pm-7pm
    Level will be Beginners to Mixed also depending on
    who comes along at the night and what kind of experience
    class participants have.

Yoga Class in South Dublin - Nutgrove Rathfarnham Chruchtown close to Dundrum, Templeogue Ballinteer Leopardstown Dublin 14 16

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Morning Fitness Class – Exercises that Get You Fit and Trim …. here a sample class

Morning Fitness Exercises Classes in South Dublin Rathfarnham close to Dundrum Sandyford Leopardstown Churchtown Tallaght Fitnecise Studio in IrelandEverybody was challenged during this morning Legs, Bums, Tums Fitness Classes. I changed the format slightly, we did all the same exercise together – in a row format, see studio fitness class picture.

Feedback -> “INTENSITY is definitely higher”“this class format is more challenging” “I really enjoyed it”.

Here the list of exercises from today’s fitness class, this might give you some ideas what you could do yourself.

  1. Two Arm Kettlebell Swing
    -> Cardio Fitness + Core Strength
  2. Press-Ups / Push-Ups
    -> Upper Body Toning and Strength
  3. Kettlebell Squat (choose between a two arm or one arm version)
    -> Toning Hips, Legs, Bums
  4. Run/Sprint/Jog on Spot
    -> General Fitness
  5. Lunges – weights are optional 😉
    -> Legs, Bums – Conditioning – Toning
  6. Gymstick – Shoulder Press
    -> Arms – Toning
  7. Gymstick – Side Bend
    -> Tones your waste, gives you that slim hour glass look.

We threw a few Pilates exercises in to take a breather in between.

  1. Pilates – Single Leg Stretches -> Core Strength
  2. Pilates – Crab or Chest Opener -> Spine Mobility / Chest – Neck Stretch
  3. Pilates – Swimming (Superman) -> Back Strength, good posture
  4. Pilates – Leg Pull Prone – Plank -> general Core Strength
  5. Pilates – Shoulder Bridge -> Spine Mobility – Back Stretch
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March Fitness – Pilates Classes re-start 5th 6th 7th 8th March 2012 in South Dublin – Fitnecise Studio Ireland

abdominal-exercises-to-lose-body-fat-sit-ups-crunches-personal-training-fitness-classes-in-south-dublinOur next set of

Pilates and Fitness classes

which run in 6-8 week block start in two and a half week. Classes take place in our Fitnecise Studio in Dublin 14, 16 / Rathfarnham and in Loreto Park, beside Nutgrove Shopping Centre.

We run various Fitness and Exercise Classes (see Class Time Table here) e.g.:

  1. Circuit Training
  2. Morning Fitness and Exercise Classes
    (special “Unlimited Morning Fitness Class
    Deal / Offer” currently available)
  3. Pilates Beginners Level
  4. Pilates Intermediate Level
  5. Pilates Advanced Level
  6. Equipment based Pilates Classes
  7. Bootcamp Classes – Indoor and Outdoor Classes
  8. Personal Fitness Training – 1-2-1 Training
  9. Men Only Core Strength, Pilates, Flexibility Combo Class

Contact Fitnecise Coaching – Martin here for further information or to book you class.

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Quote – Albert Einstein …

Quote Albert Einstein - Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing

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Circuit Training Classes – Pictures from this mornings Class in South Dublin

Fitnecise Studio - Personal Fitness - Group Fitness Trainig - Personal Trainer Martin LuschinWELL DONE to all the class participants of this mornings Toning and Conditioning class 9.45am-10.45am in our Fitnecise Studio in South Dublin, Nutgrove Office Park.

The class was Circuit Training based – you see equipment like – TRX Suspension Training, Rowing Machine – Concept 2 Rower, Weights, Kettlebells, Gym/Swiss Balls, Gymsticks etc.

We aim to keep the classes varied and mix toning / strength exercises and cardio / general fitness exercises and nearly all class exercise are different from week to week.

Here the exercises we did this morning:

  1. Shoulder Press
  2. Mountain Climber
  3. TRX Pull Up
  4. Rowing
  5. Push Ups / Press Ups
  6. Kettlebell – Two Arm Swings
  7. Chin Up (assisted)
  8. Skipping
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Irish Obesity Epidemic tackled? Calorie count menus on the way?

“This train is leaving the station,” Health Minister Dr Reilly said, adding, “if industry doesn’t comply, we will legislate” (Irish Times Thursday 2nd Feb 2012)

…… people should choose with their feet and just NOT GO anymore to FAST FOOD chains  – PERIOD, no matter whether they are called McDonalds, Burger King, Super Macs or similar.

It’s all about EDUCATION EDUCATION and again EDUCATION and then taking
MASSIVE ACTION, eating – fresh / unprocessed food (organic if you can or
want to afford it). It’s all “relative” simple – it is like Nike says “Just Do It!”.

People have to wake up take responsibility – it’s each individuals responsibility to
look after his or her health as best as they can …. you can’t always blame others
and let every tax payer fork out money for a health system that pays “god knows”
how much for the effects or perfectly preventable diseases.

Yes, some diseases are more likely genetic and probably hard to prevent, but obesity/body weight is in most cases something that every individual can control.

I hear it every day – clients come up with excuses why they can’t, won’t or are not able to exercises – chose veg and fruit over burgers and fries etc., we all have 24 hours in our day and each of us decides what she/he does with these 24 hours.
Take your diary out now and pencil in a reminder every e.g. Monday morning asking yourself something like “What three things can I do this week to live a healthier, more energetic, balanced and fit life that allows me to do all the things I inspire to do?” Write down the answers and schedule the necessary actions in your diary as you would do this an important clients or your boss and do them as planned –> ACTION ACTION ACTION!

“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.”
Alfred A. Montapert – American motivational author.

“First we make our habits, then our habits make us.”
Charles C. Noble


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Pilates Class pictures from one of our Morning Fitness Class in South Dublin

Pilates Classes Exercises in South Dublin Side Lifts - Fitnecises Studio Martin Luschin IrelandHere three pictures from our Pilates class taught by Karen from earlier today – showing our Morning Pilates Classes – Fitnecise Studio – in Rathfarnham, close to Dundrum, Churchtown, Dublin 14, 16, 18.


Pilates Classes Exercises in South Dublin Foam Roller Work - Fitnecises Studio Martin Luschin IrelandThe exercises shown are
1. Pilates – Side Lying Leg Circles
2. Pilates – Foam Roller Leg Lifts
3. Pilates – Supine Lying Leg Circles

Pilates Classes Exercises in South Dublin Leg Circles - Fitnecises Studio Martin Luschin IrelandAll three exercises strengthen your core, abdomen – the foam roller movement and the side lying leg circles work also  on your balance and general core stability. The Leg circles increase hip mobility and improve flexibility as well.

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