We offer the following Bootcamp Outdoor Fitness and Exercise Classes in South Dublin in Loreto Park, beside Nutgrove Shopping Centre, close to Dundrum, Dublin 14, 16,
1. Monday Evening Bootcamp Fitness Class
__7pm-8pm – ongoing
2. Wednesday Evening Bootcamp Fitness Class
__7pm-8pm – ongoing
3. Saturday late morning, lunchtime Bootcamp Fitness Class
__11am-12pm – ongoing
Find a Full Fitness and Exercise Class Time Talbe here.
Cost for these Bootcamp Classes
1. Three Classes per week
€7 per class – €126 for 6 consecutive weeks (excluding Bank Holidays)
2. Two Classes per week
€8 per class – €96 for 6 consecutive weeks (excluding Bank Holidays)
3. One Class per week
€10 per class – €60 for 6 consecutive weeks (excluding Bank Holidays)
4. Drop Ins or Pay-As-You-Go:
€12 per class
There is a maximum of 10 Participants per instructor per class to guarantee safety, meaning there will be two instructors if there are more then 10 participants.