Here a book I often refer to when I look for Core Strength and general strength exercises that I want to introduce into Conditioning and Circuit Training Classes to keep classes interesting and varied.
The authors Lorne Goldenberg and Peter Twist (both strength and conditioning experts in the US) have published articles in Men’s Journal, Ironman, NSCA Journal of Strength and Conditioning etc. and show you a broad mix of Swiss – Gym Ball and Medicine Ball exercises to increase general strength, core stability and flexibility.
The book is split into 9 chapters and covers major muscles groups / body parts, e.g. 1. Strength Ball Advantages 2. Shoulder & Upper Back, 3. Biceps Triceps Forearms, 4. Chest 5. Core 6. Abs & Lower Back 7. Legs & Hips plus chapter 8. Flexibility and 9. Functional Programs.
The Functional Exercise Program chapter covers: e.g. Football, Tennis, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Gold etc.
Follow the link at the end of the article and keep clicking on the picture of the book to read a few sample pages.
These programs are spilt in two day routines advising on sets, reps etc.
This book gives the fitness enthusiast or fitness instructor, personal trainer plenty of ideas, which can be used during classes or your own workout.
There are plenty of pictures – which makes it easy to follow the instructions.
It’s often the simple exercises that are the hardest e.g. try a “Ball Push Up” or a “Ball Walk Around”.
“Ball Push Up”
Kneel in front of the ball, lie on it with your abdomen/upper body, gradually roll onto the ball and walk with your hands out in front of the ball. So your legs and feet rest on the ball behind your upper body (you are facing your exercise mat – prone position) – keep your feet roughly hip distance apart, bring your hands into a push up position – your whole body should ideally be parallel to the floor and now try to do a few push-ups without over arching your lower/ lumbar spine – keeping you core strong.
“Ball Walk Around”
Start with the same position as above. Now walk with your hands in a circular movement around the ball, a great shoulder, chest and core workout.
A book I definitely would recommend if you have a Gym or Swiss Ball at home and are looking for ideas how to use it, because most people get easily bored with the usual Ball Wall Squats that most trainers show them initially.
[amazon-product bordercolor=”FFFFF” align=”center”]0736066977[/amazon-product]